Pipeline Manager

Custom Pipelines

The Pipeline is transformative off the shelf. It transforms time, productivity, visibility and more.

You have some ideas for improving it. Let us know. This is the best part.
The Pipeline can always be better.

Vertical Markets

One client needed to see their clients by region and vertical market.
No problem.

Doc-Centric Process

Another had to track many documents critical to each stage of their process. What's easier to track analyze than a spreadsheet view of all the docs? Special Note - Did you know there was a desktop version of the Pipeline? People use the desktop version to work with their docs fluidly. A click to open and when they're saved, the saved docs are automatically uploaded to their salesforce doc repository.

Completely different, better and clearer than anything that salesforce offers for doc or asset management - because it's tied to your processes.

Scheduling Engine

Another client had us coordinate a schedule of site visits/audits for all their accounts across the entire team. This one tool has eliminated weeks of planning and follow up that used to involve blizzards of spreadsheets, submitted one-by-one, tallied and re-entered day after day. Now it's all managed with clarity and consistency. All we did was leverage the Work Processor.

Now all the items that need to be scheduled are shared with the team right where they get their daily schedules in order. Including all the docs that have to be tracked. In a fraction of the time.

You're minutes away from guiding your
team skill by skill, step by step, day by day

Disrupt what you can see and
what you can DO with CRM.

Give us a call today.
1-877 END-8020

Pipeline Manager

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